Total bitcoins in circulation
This graph shows the total number of its members who have been mined bitcoins.
This graph shows the total number of its members who have been mined bitcoins.
Market Capitalization
This graph shows the total bitcoins that are currently in circulation shown * The market price is in dollars
Total Transaction Fees
These graphs show the total value of the transaction fees in BTC miners earn per day.
Commission of Transactions in USD
Deficit Red - Displays the difference between the transaction costs and the cost
Number of Transactions
A graph of the total number of unique Bitcoin transactions per day.
A graph of the total number of unique Bitcoin transactions per day.
Number of transactions excluding the most popular addresses
This graph shows the total number of transactions per day excluding only bitcoin transactions involving the 100 most popular popular addresses.
Number of unique addresses used Bitcoin
This chart shows the amount of unique Bitcoin address that are used by gavea
Number of transactions per block
This chart shows the average number of transactions per block
Number of orphan blocks
Number of blocks mined per day is not part of the main chain.
Total Volume Output
The total value of all output transactions per day, including the coins were returned to the sender as change.
Estimated volume of transactions
Similar to the total volume, transactions with the addition of an algorithm that attempts to remove variations from the total value. This may be a more accurate reflection of the actual volume of transactions.
Estimated volume of transactions in USD
Estimated volume of transactions worth U.S.
Estimated volume of transactions worth U.S.
Trading volume for dollars
This chart shows the dollar trading volume of the most important markets.
Market Price (USD)
This chart shows the market price in dollars Mt.gox
This chart shows the market price in dollars Mt.gox
Percentage Volume of Transactions Cost
This chart shows revenue as a percentage of mining in transactional volume.
Cost per transaction
A graph showing the mining revenue divided by the number of transactions.
Rate Hash
The estimated number of gigahashes per second (billions of hashes per second) that the Bitcoin network is processing
A graph showing changes over time difficult. The difficulty is a measure of how difficult it is to find a new block compared to the more easy it can never be.
Mining revenue
This historical graph shows the number of bitcoins mined per day plus transaction costs multiplied by the market price.
Average waiting to confirm transaction
Average time it takes for transactions to be included in a block.
Acumuladativos Bitcoin Days Lost
Bitcoin Days Missed refers to a measure of transaction volume of Bitcoin. If someone is holding 100 BTC received a week ago and then spent 700 Days Bitcoin lost. If 100BTC are taken and sent to the various directions and then spent, although the total volume of the transaction can be arbitrarily large, the number of days lost Bitcoin remains 700.
Bitcoin Days Lost
Noncumulative version of Bitcoin Days Missed.
Bitcoin Days Lost filtered by at least 1 week of Status - Filtered by at least 1 week of Antiquity
Bitcoin Days Lost (filtering for 1 Month of Age) - Filtered by at least 1 month old.
Bitcoin Days Lost (Filtered by minimum 1 Year of Age) - Filter by minimum 1 Year of
Chain size block
The total size of all transactions and block headers. Rates database are not included.
- Average block size - The average block size in MB
Transaction Volume My Wallet
Volume of Transactions with our wallet in the last 24 hours.
Number of users of My Purse
Number of purses that use our service My Wallet
Number of transactions per day My Wallet
Number of transactions performed by users of My Wallet per day.
Number of transactions performed by users of My Wallet per day.
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